Silence picked up the first sheet, and scanned Isambard's crabbed writing.
Patsy giggled, but Louise stared with a wondering, puzzled expression at the crabbed writing, the misspelled words and dreadful grammar.
Char's hand was large and round, the letters evenly spaced, each fully formed - completely unlike my crabbed, spiky writing.
And scribbled on the margins, inscribed on the partially blank pages where plays came to an end, was the crabbed writing.
She looked to the window-it was not only that her eyes were unaccustomed to the crabbed writing, but the light had begun to fail swiftly.
Vimes squinted at the crabbed writing.
Planir frowned at the crabbed writing still vividly black on the yellowed pages.
In his crabbed writing, Ickes noted that Huang had told him "55 million overseas Chinese live outside China."
March smeared his finger through the grime on the glass to decipher the crabbed writing.
There were, the notes said in Oliver's crabbed writing, five kinds of fruit and three kinds of vegetables to be derived from the plants growing from the critters.