A group of cradle boards are both decorative and utilitarian.
Papoose boards, also known as cradle boards, are still in use in many places.
Boys around here wear rooster-tail-feathers on their cradle boards, do they not?
Some flatten the heads of their babies with special cradle boards.
The braided Winnebago sashes for women, which are very wide, are used to support cradle boards.
She was murdered in her cradle board My wife .
A few days after his birth, he was given his first name when the cradle board holding him fell over.
She bore me on her back strapped to a cradle board while she worked in the patches of beans, squash, and cotton.
The decoration can be seen in cradle boards, clothing and dolls.
They then put her in a cradle board and hung it on the branch of a nearby tree.