With a final shudder, the lander's nose dug into something, and the craft rocked to a halt.
The atmosphere roared over the shuttle's skin and the craft rocked violently in some passing wind shear.
The atmosphere became a soup of reddish brown clouds around them, and their craft rocked with the rugged currents.
With an ear-piercing whine the golden craft rocked slightly and then rose straight up.
Their own craft rocked back and forth on the waves, the sail flapping loosely.
The big craft came to a halt and rocked backwards less than a hundred metres from the nearest hut.
A second later came a muffled bo-o-o-om on the sonarphone and the craft rocked.
The pull brought him against the far wall and the light craft rocked under his scrambling.
Kim grabbed hold of his crewmate as the craft rocked violently, threatening to go over.