Instead of taking a lot of clothes we filled suitcases with books donated by the local library and craft supplies.
In between, he tells some more jokes, including one of his most well-known: "Glitter is the herpes of craft supplies."
Hobbycraft, a chain of stores selling craft supplies, also enjoyed an 11% increase in sales over the past year.
We pushed our way out onto the enclosed back porch, which was crowded with craft supplies.
Buy your craft supplies, window shop.
The closet in the sitting room is the one housing my craft supplies, yarn, knitting and crocheting needles, doll's eyes, clown's hands, etc.
There are some craft supplies and books, paper bags from the supermarket, ironing board and iron, cookbooks and much more.
It also offers community project forums and craft supplies, including independent designer patterns.
The non-profit accepts donations of new and used items, such as binders, children's books, and craft supplies.
Googly eyes or jiggly eyes are small plastic craft supplies used to imitate eyeballs.