Villegas opened the scoring with a crafty move in the 22nd minute for his first goal of the season.
While this is going on in Europe, similar crafty moves are afoot in the East.
This time, he converted with a crafty move from right to left and back to right.
Richer, though, saved the day with a crafty move in the third period.
Strong teams built on sound drafts and crafty moves are crying foul over losing star players, despite receiving compensation in draft picks.
But Casserly has made plenty of crafty moves.
A week before, I had pulled off one of my craftier moves.
It was a crafty move, for when he passed the funnel, he ran the gamut of playing lights.
In revenge, Hartenstein ruined with a crafty move on the winery and plays as the ultimate savior.
On offense, Anthony is recognized for being a prolific scorer with a variety of crafty offensive moves.