Everett Nillson's long, high-domed face slowly unfolded into a craggy smile.
"Twelve thousand foot, scattered around the castle in three separate camps, with the rivers between," her uncle said, with the craggy smile she remembered so well.
Marshall smiled his big craggy smile.
As they waited for the elevator he turned to Maitland, gave him a craggy smile.
He smiled a craggy smile.
Wanamaker broke into a craggy smile.
A craggy smile cracked his face when he saw Pike, and he clutched Joe's arm.
Kraynak gave him a craggy smile.
The man's craggy smile did not change, outwardly, but now he seemed, actually, amused.
He gave Sharina the craggy smile that she saw more often than anyone else in the hamlet.