Above the pond will be a small waterfall cascading down the face of the high escarpment, a craggy wall of striated gray Manhattan schist.
The massive, craggy retaining wall is still a familiar feature on the Franklin D. Roosevelt Drive.
As the sound of the explosive outbursts carried to Bull Pass, bouncing faintly between its craggy walls, hidden men and equipment went into clockwork action.
Delka pointed to a rocky gulch that curved its way between craggy walls of cliff.
The craggy wall was moist against her palm.
The craggy retaining walls and irregular stairways make a picturesque space, creating the feel of a medieval hill town.
Legend has it that Shivaji used pet monitor lizards yoked with ropes to scale the craggy walls of the fort.
Low, craggy black walls marked out a square five metres to a side.
Nothing but ice and snow that had built up on the craggy walls of this cut into the flesh of the mountain.
With a pack of food pellets and blankets on my back, I began to climb the jagged, craggy wall.