The crane arm dangled it over the starboard bulwark, tilting the cog.
A large panel, three meters square, passed overhead on the end of a crane arm.
Inside the sheds, sparks fly everywhere, and a large crane arm lifts material to be smelted.
He then shoots a nearby crane arm, which knocks the Insurrectionists into a pit, where they are crushed by a falling crate.
Robotic crane arms were swapping out modular sensor packages from its primary hull.
It entered service in 1990 and has a modified crane arm with bucket instead off the pincers.
The crane arm fell off while the pontoon was inverted.
They locked onto the new rail, deposited in the track bed earlier that day by a special subway car with a mechanical crane arm.
The main recovery system consists of four large brushes controlled by individual crane arms installed on the stern deck.