The plane reportedly crashed in bad weather, while a storm was reported in the area, but not at the airport.
The plane crashed in clear weather on approach to land, falling about 1,000 feet short of the runway.
Sharunga crashed in bad weather, killing the pilot.
It crashed a few days later in poor weather, but was rebuilt once more and flew from the nearby Formby sands.
Casco's plane crashed in bad weather on South Jason Island during the war, and Casco was killed.
On Jan. 7, a Black Hawk helicopter crashed in bad weather, killing eight soldiers and four American civilians.
The plane crashed just 20 minutes later in inclement weather near Camden, Tennessee.
Pass scattered remnants of light aircraft that crashed in bad weather in November 2008, killing four Italian tourists.
An airplane hired by the United Americans had crashed in bad weather off the coast of that country.
On 26 September 1997, Garuda Indonesia Flight 152 crashed in bad weather, killing 234.