In fact, I could hear the waves crashing on the shore nearby.
In August 2010, a bush plane left from a fishing lodge on the lake and crashed nearby.
More than once they stopped, spears ready, as something heavy and unseen crashed in the undergrowth nearby.
His mouth found hers again, unerringly, as water crashed like thunder on the rocks nearby.
During the construction of an airport near Paloemeu, a plane carrying building material crashed nearby.
With the sun on my back and the sound of the waves crashing nearby, I relaxed into Nadine's strong, capable hands.
Many more rockets crashed nearby during the weeks of war.
Unfortunately the V11 ended up crashing nearby before it could attempt to lift the Do 217's remains.
He lost the control of the horse and crashed into the ditch nearby.
The Part 135 cargo plane slowly turned right and crashed into a warehouse nearby.