The player's first mission is to go and get rid of a crazed fan who has been stalking Ludacris.
The band plays themselves as they take on crazed fans, zombies, and an alien invasion.
While running from a mob of crazed fans, he is saved by Julia, a beautiful and dangerous stalker.
His wife has been surprisingly tolerant of the crazed young female fans clamoring to get his attention.
"Bettephile" was written for and about the crazed fans that followed the band on tour.
Was the attack the work of a crazed fan?
Gary DeCesare is a high school basketball coach, not a crazed fan.
She sees the ghost again in the building and exits but is surrounded by crazed fans who block her path.
But the same could be said about any other crazed fan that comes up to worship.
In September 2009, a crazed fan who had threatened her in a letter was arrested.