Caramon heard a thud and creaking wood and a sound like something being dragged along the ground.
Old creaking wood.
The building was old, worn, with creaking wood and faded wallpaper saturated with the smell of decades of boiled cabbage and fish.
Sounds of howling wind and creaking wood, although infrequently employed, create a chilling soundscape interrupted by sonorous but quietly suspenseful music.
At sunset time he hypnotized me, and he says I answered as usual, "darkness, lapping water and creaking wood."
"Rough sea," I said, almost shouting above the roar of water and wind and creaking wood.
He stepped gingerly from the vessel to creaking wood, hoping the rotting posts would hold.
It was the only sound beyond the creaking wood.
The vampire fell to his knees with a slow and steady pull forward, landing silently on the noisily creaking wood.
If this had been an old house, with creaking wood, and dark shadows, and heavily panelled walls, there might have been an eerie feeling.