She didn't look up as he entered, just twisted back and forth on that creaky chair.
He closed his eyes, leaned back in the creaky old chair with a sigh and gave up fighting the memories.
Newspapers and magazines on the metal table and all but one of the creaky wooden chairs around it.
Once he had sat on a creaky old chair and it had collapsed under his weight.
Pug, an ugly smile upon his battered features, was resting back in a creaky chair at one side of a broken table.
Martha didn't notice any real difference between the public bar and the lounge; both had the same small round tables and creaky wooden chairs.
She lit a cigarette, got more comfortable in the creaky chair and began to think, Yeah, but wait.
She picked up a creaky old wooden chair that had been overturned behind the desk and pushed it out and to the side.
Kathryn Brant sighed, leaned back in the creaky chair, and rubbed at her eyes.
He stepped onto the bus and shut the door, settling into the creaky chair behind the wheel.