Charis was at the breakfast table, wearing a pale cream shirt and blue sweater.
The beige toned with his cream shirt, and tie in muted shades of brown.
Then his father, in the sharp brown suit, cream shirt and red silk tie that Michael remembered him in best.
That lightweight suit with the cream shirt and dark red scarf was just right for a summer evening - smart, but not dressy.
He still wore a suit of that peculiar brown shade, a cream shirt and a brilliant orange tie.
A man, wearing only green trousers, cream shirt, and socks, lay curled on one of the benches, facing the wall.
A man in a cream shirt emerged from the room.
The school uniform consists of a cream shirt, mid-grey trousers, grey socks and black shoes.
The other wore a lightweight fawn suit and a cream shirt with a matching tie.
Clean underwear, long-sleeved cream shirt, dark green trousers with the side piping.