Today the road network creates a 13-mile loop around the outer edge of peninsula.
This not only creates a loop, but a situation where these items have no discernible origin.
"By creating a feedback wave from the lost power, you created a loop within the containment field."
The final picture is included in the first, creating an infinite loop.
An example of this would be holding one's shoulder to create a closed loop which the other arm goes through.
Two of them create a loop through which the third disulfide bridge passes.
So it creates a locked loop where people can never step outside the limitations of their ideas (models) about how things work.
This creates a warped loop whose points can be worn front/back or over the shoulders.
It is possible, and in some cases desirable, for the condition to always evaluate to true, creating an infinite loop.
It then goes back to the start of the program creating an infinite loop.