In 1873, he was created a lifelong member of the Imperial Council of the Bavarian Crown.
When Virginia became a crown colony, Sandys was created a member of council in August 1624; he was reappointed to this post in 1626 and 1628.
He was also created a royal councillor, an assessor of the supreme court and a member of the stats kollegiet or council of state.
Before creating a new member of the Order, the Crown must consult with the Order.
He was created a member of the Victorian Order in 1897.
The Act created a Public Lands Board composed of: the Attorney General, Interior Secretary, and a third member to be appointed by the president.
The new constitution retained the House but created a 100 member Senate directly appointed by the King.
Mayor Parker says she'll be creating a new 20 member, independent police oversight board.
One year later, Wilhelm was created a member of the Order of the Stability.
Creating a backup of a sequential data set or a member of a PDS.