The storyline, in addition to following the structure of the video game, also creates a storyline of its own.
Many characters recurred throughout the series, often appearing several times in a single episode, creating a semi-coherent storyline.
All of the factions, when played in the correct order, create a storyline of events.
Players can also do team play mode that has two characters at once, creating a new storyline.
Users can create a storyline and edit a video without the need to download or install video editing software.
The first (Western RPGs) often involves the player creating a character and a non-linear storyline along which the player makes his own decisions.
His aim with the third chapter was to create a more detailed and complex storyline.
In 2012, the producers of the show created a very heartfelt storyline for the character of Arno.
This created a storyline between the two leading up to the January 31, 2008 episode of Impact!
TNA created a storyline from this and Lynn and Waltman's past real-life friendship.