Not only does their policy create tremendous animosity, but it also endangers the safety of passengers.
After all, why create animosity for Montana, maybe the best quarterback ever.
But on a small island they did, and the incentive system created so much animosity it had to be revised.
Some groups may raid crops for food, creating further animosity and retaliation.
This event did, however, create animosity between crown and parliament.
"This government is really creating animosity among the Sudanese themselves," he said.
Strahan does not attempt to create animosity for the player he is about to face, but some of his teammates do.
It has often said that, creating animosity, hatred in the name of religion among different groups is not acceptable.
The removal of the county seat to Scottsburg created animosity between the two towns for several decades.
The men were clearly favoured at the ceremony, creating animosity between them and the women.