We were lifted an inch or so in the air, the force of the moving current creating a solid foundation beneath us.
Scientists speculate that the earth here tried but failed to separate 600 million years ago, creating a weakness of some kind beneath the ground.
Black currants may increase blood flow to veins under the eyes, reducing the shadows they create beneath your skin.
Do not cut through the front framing completely, as this will create a visible gap beneath the countertop.
Miami created a junior-varsity level team beneath the senior level.
I believe that the Paratwa are creating a new army beneath the surface.
He commonly creates a large puddle of slime beneath his feet.
Her slight form created barely any valleys and hills beneath the covers.
This will create beneath the floor a layer of dead air that acts as additional insulation.
That method can provide extra insulation by creating a layer of dead air beneath the floor.