Syracuse created clusters around the themes of counterterrorism and national security, disability law and indigenous people's issues.
When clusters are applied to entrepreneurship, experts agree governments should not seek to create new clusters, but rather reinforce existing ones.
This creates clusters that reflect market segments.
Mr. Dewire said the bird feeders were creating unnatural clusters of birds.
Cox is the fifth-largest cable operator in the country and has been creating regional clusters through acquisitions.
And the government can help create clusters, just as it built the highway system and the Internet.
The idea now, Mr. Beveridge said, is to create clusters, bringing together university brain with the financial brawn of the world's $7 billion semiconductor market.
They usually intermarry with others from nearby villages, creating genetic clusters.
This allowed him to create "clusters of notes" in his bass lines, as well as play triplets with relative simplicity.
Also there are difficulties in creating consonant clusters and polysyllabic words.