According to this argument, the policy creates divisive workplaces, breeds cynicism and corruption and hurts many of the individuals it is supposed to help.
Large cash transfers risk creating corruption or being used as a tool to gain political support for the government.
It has also been argued that help based on direct donation creates dependency and corruption, and has an adverse effect on local production.
The State Legislature must pass legislation creating a permanent special prosecutor for police brutality and corruption in New York.
Chaos provides great power, and great power can create great corruption.
This system has created intense corruption as well as political rivalry, especially in case of Rajaswom ruled temples, thus losing sanctity.
Our experiment with alcohol should have taught us that prohibition wastes money, creates violence and corruption, and fails to lessen drug use.
So they didn't grow them, leading to a rationing system that created corruption and speculation.
Industrialists were exasperated by the obstacles to creating joint-stock companies, the morass of red tape, bureaucratic sloth and corruption.
"We need to repeal the political and judiciary systems, cleanse the bureaucracy and get rid of practices that only create corruption."