Any use of sorcery creates dissonance, and, in time requires greater dissonance for harmonic resolution.
A character's Passion is often used to create dissonance and conflict.
Conflict can also be an internal source of frustration; when one has competing goals that interfere with one another, it can create cognitive dissonance.
Fatigue, or emotional fatigue, comes mainly when actors "create dissonance between their actions and their actual feelings."
Lilian's mother has a well-evoked embarrassing way of creating domestic dissonance.
A metaphysics stressing the invariance of divine ideas created dissonance where it had once created harmony.
It was as early as the 1950s, while a young Army officer, that Volkogonov first discovered information that created cognitive dissonance within himself.
The ninth is commonly chromatically altered by half-step either up or down to create more tension and dissonance.
This created cognitive dissonance, which refers to a discrepancy between attitudes and behaviors.
Intercultural marriages are often influenced by external factors that can create dissonance and disagreement in relationships.