Solar and reactor neutrinos have enough energy to create electrons.
It takes only a very small quantity of the impurity to create enough free electrons to allow an electric current to flow through the silicon.
This can for example be a light source creating secondary electrons via the photoelectric effect.
Even as they improve techniques for creating spin-aligned electrons, scientists are still looking for what to do with them.
Lightning can produce brief intense bursts of X-rays and other radiation, as the strong electric fields create runaway electrons in the ionized air.
I did not consciously create your universe, I merely created electrons and protons.
The photons produced form an electromagnetic cascade by creating more photons, electrons and positrons.
Since the entire system is electro-neutral, the process of pumping creates electrons and holes with the same rate.
Power coupled to the electron system drives it out of thermal equilibrium with the phonon system, creating hot electrons.
While this action may sound complicated, it's actually very simple: The reaction in the anode creates electrons, and the reaction in the cathode absorbs them.