Other founding families created enterprises based on textiles and such traditional Huguenot occupations in France.
Mobilize Innovative business ideas and create enterprises.
VCS also focuses upon helping unemployed people to build their careers, create enterprises and find employment.
But that simply maintains already-existing operations, rather than creating new enterprises that could generate more growth.
Its focus is on developing processes of "replication" or "social franchising", which will make it easier and cheaper to create new social enterprises.
As the major meat companies grew in Chicago many, such as Armour and Company, created global enterprises.
That process creates enterprises that may eventually be valuable, even if not to those who put in the original money.
When one emerges, the state helps to turn it into a business venture, creating home-grown enterprises that sell new high-tech products.
Even without explicit targeting as at Harvard, research universities have a propensity for creating new economic enterprises.
The concept of creating tourism oriented enterprises has taken form over the past decade.