Thus, the pattern is created in a manner similar to the sgraffitto technique.
This approach, as envisaged by Peat, emphasizes a certain manner of action that are aimed at creating change in an effective manner.
Though jointly credited, the fifty minute score was created in an original manner which owed much to the circumstances in producing it.
During 1930s, Yoshihara works were created in a surrealist manner that was popular among Japanese avant-garde artists.
These objects make it much easier for developers to create the navigational structure of their applications in a manner that is search engine friendly.
To make a Kandra, two spikes created in a similar manner are put inside of a Mistwraith.
Articles created in such a manner will be deleted.
They create new jobs in a geographically diverse manner and effectively dynamise economic actors.
The philosophy behind development was to think out of the box and create unique software in a timely manner with smaller development resources.
The video was created through crowdsourcing, in a manner similar to the writing of the song itself.