He is a "Recast", meaning that he was created from someone's life force, and in this case that person being his "Grandpa".
One possibility is to create a new common name, in this case "hominoids".
The movie presents as true certain facts that create a false impression, in this case which demean Giardello and rob him of his legacy.
This method creates a summary measure of a group of variables, in this case related to socio-economic advantage and disadvantage.
The Connecticut waterfalls site was created by a software engineer (and barefoot hiker) - in this case the perfect combination.
The explosive prices for Teddy Bears in the last few years indicate how a market can be created, in this case by a mix of merit and nostalgia.
Ablations are independent beings created by Mizumi from aspects of people - in this case, Sarah's dreams.
Most of the art created in this case is made for the artist rather than an audience.
During the revolution the commune had its own Patriotic Society, a variation on the Jacobin Club theme, created in this case soon after 1792.
There's theatrical distance from the subject, an effect created in this case by using nonromantic language like "obsolete" to describe romance.