For communications companies, the power of such integrated packages comes in the opportunities to create promotions that span different products.
Players can create custom wrestling rings, belts, promotions, and referees.
We're not trying to outfit casts and create big promotions.
In this post, he wrote stories, created promotions, and made players available for interviews and guest appearances.
And the company has created special promotions tied to the movie to keep the cars coming to Disneyland, which now has a "Lion King" parade.
Boosters have created guidebooks, both virtual and concrete, while officials have created promotions.
Archiving is also useful if a celebrity calls in by surprise; then, the unexpected interview can be used later to create promotions.
It will work with advertisers to create promotions.
Locally grown in-season produce is used to create seasonal promotions.
In what is now a big trend in publishing, the publications hope to improve their chances by creating ads and promotions customized for the advertiser.