In 1949 the NCB had made a £7-million investment in Mardy Colliery, creating capacity for No.3 and No.4 shafts to access 100 million tons of coal in the 5 ft seam, estimated sufficient to last for one hundred years.
The stage picture created toward the end is just as beautiful as dancers manipulate six hand-held white spotlights to create soaring shafts of light and a jaggedly enclosed space at center stage.
Doing so would create its own challenges, however, since the Snohetta building was designed to conceal mechanical and ventilating equipment that would have to be accommodated elsewhere, without creating 40-foot-high shafts puncturing the plaza.
The beams of brilliant sunlight penetrated the leafy canopy in several places, creating dazzling shafts of yellow.
Water action on the coral base over the millennia has created many caves and shafts.
From time to time, overlying rock collapsed into hollow chambers below, creating deep shafts.
Light filtered down through the gaps, creating shafts through the twilight in which particles of dust whirled.
The single window, made of mass-produced stained glass, was high in the west wall, creating eerie shafts of colored light from the moon.
Mr. Kigawa was also expert in achieving the pedal resonances, in producing variety of color and in creating sudden shafts of expressive power, especially at cadences.
Used an Australian built Strata 950 model raise borer type drilling rig often used to create circular shafts between two levels of a mine without using explosives.