For example, it includes a number of supplied templates so that you can create useful spreadsheets or produce stylish documents using 'fill-in-the- details' methods.
Bonita Open solution can be used for creating high-tech workflows and spreadsheets.
Release 2.2 will add capabilities such as the ability to link files, which makes it possible for users to create large spreadsheets by breaking them into segments.
Ms. Pessl created spreadsheets for her characters, carefully laying out clues to the mystery, each of which is significant to the novel's conclusion.
It's the perfect tool for tabulating data, organising figures, creating spreadsheets and flow charts.
Perhaps the most friendly of Borland features is a series of templates that remove the need to create new spreadsheets from scratch.
The things she expected to be most challenging, like creating spreadsheets and dealing with young children, "were really easy and calm" after all.
They didn't want a product that would create spreadsheets that nobody else could read: a classic Chicken and Egg problem.
The company is trying to lure new business by extending Office well beyond its well-known programs for creating documents, spreadsheets and presentations.
They do research legwork, draft reports, create and update spreadsheets, assemble presentations and gather information from clients.