They wanted to follow The Winston's popularity the previous week and switch the race to a nighttime finish to create cooler temperatures for spectators.
Susceptors built into packaging create high temperatures in a microwave oven.
Because of its mutation the creature can create extremely cold temperatures with its body.
Moving masses of super-heated air blow through the valley creating extremely high temperatures.
Stars die, creating temperatures hot enough to make complex chemicals, as well as rocks, asteroids, planets, moons, and our solar system.
But the real heat dump was a refrigeration laser; every few minutes it fired horizontally, creating temperatures far higher even than those of Venus's air.
Most lasers, which are beams of highly concentrated light, create high temperatures and significant thermal damage when they cut, he said.
It also sent Arctic air sluicing down into parts of the Southeast, creating unusually frigid temperatures there early this month.
This effect creates uneven temperatures throughout the kiln.
In fact, even when special conditions were used to create temperatures well above that of boiling water, the amount lost increased only slightly.