That diocese was split, however, on 23 June 1986, creating the Diocese of Shreveport.
Pope Paul VI created the Diocese of Masbate on March 23, 1968.
Finally, in 1880, the remaining part of the deanery of Warrington was used to create the new Diocese of Liverpool.
This led him to create the Diocese at Hamar, and, according to tradition, to form Cathedral schools in Norway's bishopric cities.
In 1963, Rome created the Diocese of Nachingwea in the western of the abbatia nullius.
Pope Pius VII created the Diocese of New York in 1801.
Talk began of this as early as 1885 and in 1900 a bill was passed to create the Diocese of Sandhurst-Beechworth.
In 1243 William of Modena created the Diocese of Pomesania and three others.
Following his resignation, the diocese was merged to create the Diocese of Kansas City-St.
In 1847 the Holy See created the Diocese of Saint Boniface, and named Provencher its first bishop.