Such a shift, he said, "creates enormous vulnerability for the economy."
Technological innovation, especially in information technology, has enhanced productivity, but also created new vulnerabilities.
The connectivity and interdependence created through information technology also creates vulnerabilities.
The trainer pushes the client to a physiological limit, which creates stress and vulnerability.
The overall numbers are large enough to create potential economic vulnerabilities not just in those countries, but in host countries as well.
Changes like these often create new demands and new vulnerabilities that can push children to act in worrisome ways.
It is this movement, in the service of aggression or defense, advance or retreat, that creates vulnerability.
But this small-scale structure also creates vulnerability and disadvantages in a world moving towards globalization.
Do you create vulnerabilities that might inspire others?
In the Slammer attack last weekend, a lack of preventive care played at least some role in creating vulnerability.