The estate was created more than 100 years ago to educate children of native Hawaiian ancestry.
It was created to educate the public on courtesy, graciousness and eventually kindness.
Training centers were created to educate and train 300 workers every year in various trades, which helped in improving their standard of living.
The union was created to educate people of the harmful effect of alcoholic drinks.
It was also created to educate the public about the mining industry that dominated the Moweaquan economy in the late 1800s and early 1900s.
The fund was created in October to educate young people on their rights and responsibilities.
It was created to educate students who are new to the United States.
The program was created to educate fruit and vegetable growers about measures to minimize food safety risks.
The courses were created to educate loyal leaders to the international branches of the Comintern and was planned to last for eight months.
This celebratory month was created to educate the public on the wild bird feeding and watching hobby.