A year after losing presidential elections, the Sandinistas are debating the creation of a democratic party, but seem divided about what shape it would take.
The meeting was to lay the groundwork for the creation of a new political party.
The 1935 general election did, however, see a major party wipeout, and led to the creation of a new major party.
Should the party rebuff that approach, he said, "we will speak of the creation of a different party."
One of the results was the creation of a joint working party to resolve the border disputes between the two countries.
Instead, he intended to focus on the creation of a new political party.
Franco made no mention of the creation of a single party after November 1936.
That meant the creation of a modern political party to protect Orthodox interests.
Not all Reformers were in favour of the creation of a new right-wing political party.
A development which seems likely to bear fruit was the creation of a working party from within the panel.