All creative thinkers are invited to sign on and participate in addressing real challenges.
Jang was naturally a creative and smart thinker as a young person.
They must also be creative, quick thinkers with patience and high ethics, he said.
Even extremely creative thinkers may find it difficult to gain support within their organization.
Fuller is considered by some to be one of the 20th century's most noteworthy, controversial and creative thinkers, since his death in 1983.
We're always interested in people who are creative thinkers.
Ralph Winter was probably the most creative thinker I have ever known.
Chefs are the creative thinkers, while kitchen workers are the producers.
He has been one of the Senate's most creative thinkers about the environment and energy conservation.
The readiness to learn from failure puts game players at a particular advantage in the business world as creative thinkers and entrepreneurs.