In parallel with these developments, other investigators have taken a more pragmatic approach, teaching practical creativity techniques.
Bodystorming is a technique sometimes used in interaction design or as a creativity technique.
Other students of creativity have taken a more pragmatic approach, teaching practical creativity techniques.
The researchers also asked people outside advertising and untrained in the replacement algorithm or other creativity techniques, to generate hypothetical ads for the same products.
In a more specific meaning, it is a creativity technique that tries to use biological prototypes to get ideas for engineering solutions.
In problem-solving contexts, the random-word creativity technique is perhaps the simplest method.
A random stimulus is any of a class of creativity techniques that explore randomization.
There is an analogy between many creativity techniques and methods of evolutionary computation.
Nickerson provides a summary of the various creativity techniques that have been proposed.
Object pairing is the name of a creativity technique created by Idan Gafni in 1999.