The terrifying creature floated underwater like an enormous, dark green balloon.
The harmful creatures float around the caverns and will sap Charlie's strength if touched.
The creature caught it, then rose a few inches and floated to Galaeron's end of the cavity.
The huge mouth seemed to smile, then the creature floated the rest of the way through the hole.
The creatures merely spread out and floated forward in a line, then dispelled the entire wall of Vhoorflame at once.
The creature floated above her now, its rust-hued body buoyant and weightless.
The creature floated on several pairs of ragged wings.
Harno the mysterious creature of time and energy, floated beneath the ceiling, shrunk into a harmless ball.
In front of the four creatures floated two men; or rather one man and a mutated human being.
"But what we see around us..." Above them a creature like a vast winged fish floated across the starlit sky.