The creature was hopping grotesquely about the base of the tree, its baleful eyes en him.
A creature the size of Meyer's middle finger hopped out of a hole in the log and stared at her with four eyes.
A feathered creature hopped into view on a limb.
The creature hopped through the circular window, keeping its leathery wings tightly folded.
It hardly seemed that such a creature could hop!
From the waters, the creatures flopped and hopped, leaping at this new meal.
To Olive's astonishment, the creature immediately turned from her, hopped off the carriage roof, and headed down the hill.
The creatures hopped rather than walked as might men, yet they were not slow.
The hapless creature wasn't really hopping, but it wasn't dragging itself either.
Small, furred creatures hopped among the occasional trees that dotted the forest perimeter.