As the huge creature lumbered past, Drizzt rolled around beside it and kicked at its ankles.
The creature slowly lumbers across an apocalyptic cityscape.
The creature lumbered toward the door.
The last creature lumbered across the floor and opened the drapes wide before he followed the others outside.
The creature lumbered down onto talons and knees.
Slowly the creature lumbered into the air, barely clearing the treetops of a coppiced thicket at the end of the field.
Pink ears and nostrils break the surface of the water; in the early evening these strange creatures lumber onto the grass to graze.
The ugly creature lumbered toward them through the air.
Roaring and shrieking in pain and anger the creatures stumbled to their feet and lumbered awkwardly into the open.
An enormous creature, standing some twenty feet high, lumbered slowly along the crumbling street.