A genie is a spiritual creature mentioned in Islamic theology.
The Jubjub bird is a dangerous creature mentioned in Lewis Carroll's nonsense poems "Jabberwocky" and "The Hunting of the Snark".
As in most Dr. Seuss works, most of the creatures mentioned are original to the book.
The fiery flying serpent is a creature mentioned in the Book of Isaiah (30:6).
Some of those sleepers were among those settlers lucky enough to have bonded with one or more fire-lizards, the beautiful creatures mentioned in the EEC Survey report.
Below is the complete list of magical creatures mentioned in the Harry Potter universe.
The Bandersnatch is a fictional creature mentioned in Lewis Carroll's poem Jabberwocky.
Meanwhile, the legendary black cat of Tverskaya Street is not the only fantastic creature mentioned in Russian literature.
Apart from the mentioned Theodoric, Gunnr and the Norse god Thor, the people and mythological creatures mentioned are unknown to us.
But for the one leg, the description given by a commentator of the creature mentioned in the text applies with significant exactitude.