A creature raised by priests, "Nagapoko", resides in Coronia.
"I assure you nothing larger than ratsized creatures reside in the area."
In the kukudhi stage the creature is now able to travel extensively (usually as a merchant) or reside at his own home.
The creature usually resides in dark places or deserted houses.
Fireflies and spitfires loved it but few ordinary people or creatures resided mere.
It does not look like a place where any creature would willingly reside, let alone something the size of a dragon.
How could he have known that the most fearsome creatures of all resided here, on his own planet?
In good time, the Town-Ho reached her port- a savage, solitary place- where no civilized creature resided.
As the Gargareans incorporated themselves among the Amazons of Themyscira it is safe to assume these creatures also reside there.
Small pieces are served in the tidal pool, aptly named because that is where the creatures in the dish once resided.