But about six feet from the tree the creature stopped, and sniffed the air, looking around suspiciously.
The creature loomed over them, sniffed and then, as if they were of no importance at all, turned away.
The huge creature sniffed the air, then suddenly moved back into hiding.
The creature did not seem to see her at all, though its moist nostrils dilated and sniffed the air.
Near the northern end of the valley the creatures stopped their return migration and listened, sniffing the air suspiciously.
Already, the hunched creatures were sniffing the ground for tracks.
The creature sniffed it, went cross-eyed with the effort of thought, and then bit his fingers.
He handed over an energy bar, and the creatures sniffed, nodded.
The creature sniffed at the wounded arm, and slowed; but the others charged.
The creature stretched its neck toward her and sniffed.