The creature weighed more than four hundred pounds and stood over four feet tall at its massive, hunched shoulders.
This creature measured 49 feet long and weighed 99,000 pounds (49.5 tons).
The child wriggled a bit in its sleep, and Riker wondered how much the tiny creature weighed.
From the size of the jaw, the scientists said, the creature probably weighed 30 to 45 pounds.
How much would the total creature weigh?
The creature weighed in the order of two hundred kilograms.
The creature walking over it probably weighed several thousand tons.
The creatures weigh 340 pounds, run 40 miles an hour, are cheap to feed and can kick a coyote to death.
From the size of the skull, the creature must have weighed well over a ton.
The creature above her weighed as much as a full-grown man.