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They do not make a very credible husband and wife.
Is our support of human rights and international law credible?
And they have a real sense of being more credible.
Get back to us when you have a credible study.
By the time she was old enough to know the right words, they were no longer credible.
How much of it they have found credible is another matter.
In fact, for some people, she may seem too credible.
"Now we have a credible way of saying what green means."
His wife comes across as down to earth and credible.
He has some credible reason to believe this is she.
But an economic policy can only be credible if it works.
He has made a credible beginning, but there is still much to do.
The point is to have good, credible evidence and a lot of it.
I'm not really sure why I should find them more credible this time.
I simply do not see anything in this man which makes him credible.
It's not credible that more time is needed to do the job.
"There have to be some credible people on the board."
They're not in a position to know whether it's credible, any more than we are.
I do not know on what basis they found them credible.
The committee says there is no credible evidence against him.
We, the Community, have a responsibility to set a credible and strong example.
That is the only way we can make this technology credible for the future.
He needs to remain credible as a voice for change.
But even he is a more credible character than the president.
That would not be credible, or so it was thought.