While retailers enjoy the sales boost that credit schemes offer, the costs can add up if they leave the running and risk of the loans to a contracted bank.
Would one be offering some diploma and could this be built into any existing academic credit scheme?
An extended credit scheme aimed at capital conservation.
As thousands of small business owners in Anioma have had access to the micro credit scheme.
I'm trying to get a credit easing scheme up and running as quickly as possible.
He is expected to unveil a £20bn credit easing scheme to use the Government's low cost of borrowing to support bank lending to SMEs.
If she doesn't sell, just as in a credit scheme, when the woman doesn't sell, organizational capital is tied up out in the field.
Small began a successful credit scheme, revolutionary at the time, to increase sales.
Or it could fund a rural credit scheme to help small farmers adjust to market conditions.
According to its website, it helped over 32,000 people gain access to clean water and started a credit scheme for sanitation and soap-making enterprises with women.