Johnson has credited his father with his success in tennis: "He taught me pretty much everything I know.
However, Tattersall was quick to credit the stallion with his financial success.
She credits both of them with her success.
During this time, Trejo became a member of a twelve-step program, which he credits with his success in overcoming drug addiction.
Ms. Mufti's is being credited with the party's success for her tireless campaigning and grass-roots popularity.
But it is a measure of Middelhoff's admiration for Case that he openly credits him with his own success.
Kyle played in all four games and he is often credited with masterminding Ireland's success.
Khan credited them with the film's success, and was reportedly very popular with them.
As happened so often in Brettingham's career, Robert Adam later developed this design concept further, and was credited with its success.
He was widely credited with the company's recent success.