Should he or she open a separate credit-card account, or get a card tied to a family account?
The letter acknowledges me as a mature and responsible individual, always paying my credit-card account on time.
Please note that your credit-card account will be debited when your purchase is sent.
Last year, it collected $171.2 million in revenues from transactions generated among eight million credit-card accounts.
They thought he had a friend working for one of my existing credit-card accounts who fed it to him.
It has also purchased additional mortgages and credit-card accounts, among other assets.
The reports have estimated annual billings on the credit-card account at $60 million.
"It's like selling bad credit-card accounts," explained a senior mayoral adviser who spoke only on the condition that his name not be used.
You can also have it sent by bank cheque or deposited into your credit-card account.
The money can be transferred into a bank account, credited to a credit-card account or mailed by check.