For example, Citicorp, the nation's largest bank, has $20 billion in loans based on the prime rate, and most of those are from credit-card charges.
When disputing a credit-card charge, it is important for customers to make their claims in writing, consumer authorities say.
You've been worrying about your escalating credit-card charges and vacuuming long-neglected corners.
That way it will take longer to discover fraudulent credit-card charges or illicitly opened new accounts.
So I charged the repairs on the credit card, collected the mileage, and then used my insurance check to pay off the credit-card charge.
And the credit-card charges for holiday buying could stagger consumers when the bills come due next month.
They grow much of their food and pay off credit-card charges in full each month.
"Here it is," he said as he separated the scrap of paper from several credit-card charges.
Today a staff also needs hours of training to master a computer system that not only records credit-card charges but also links the dining room and kitchen.
"We went to the hotel where Hartman made the credit-card charge," Heisler explained.