Eight credit-card purchases of video equipment that day, two of them over a thousand dollars.
Encryption isn't just for e-mail and online credit-card purchases anymore.
Also in July, consumer debt rose at its fastest pace in eight months as credit-card purchases increased the most since November.
The charitable contributions generated by credit-card purchases do not qualify for income tax deductions.
Lieberman called American Express and learned about the credit-card purchases on the previous evening.
Financial forms include a checkbook register and credit-card purchases.
You can expect a transaction fee on all international credit-card purchases.
Some businesses add a recargo (surcharge) of 5% to 10% toward credit-card purchases.
The flight plan was to attempt an on-line credit-card purchase at each site, as a test of Web technology and the state of electronic commerce.
A company's remittances are drawn from customers' debit- and credit-card purchases on a daily basis until the obligation has been met.