Alas, some of the junk from the messy side seemed to be creeping inexorably across the line into Wesley's territory.
The snow was inexorably creeping toward the Stronghold.
People in Tokyo need not fear that the tsunami will slowly and inexorably creep northward until it engulfs their city.
The economy is still strong, and inflation is slowly but inexorably creeping upward.
The rain-swollen river crept inexorably beneath their makeshift craft.
Lars was silent until, behind them, they could both hear storm wail creeping inexorably nearer.
The whole sheath was moving even as he watched, creeping inexorably upwards.
The suburbs have done their part, too, creeping inexorably into pheasant country.
The bill has been creeping inexorably and invisibly through the State Legislature, without any public hearings.
But now it was moving, creeping inexorably to the right, and I had noticed.